Official Church Sites
St. Nicholas Pella (our) page on the OCA web site
Diocese of the Midwest home page
Orthodox Church in America home page
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese
St. George's Greek Orthodox Church in Des Moines
Holy Transfiguarion Orthodox Mission in Ames
Canonical Orthodox Church List- A list of real Orthodox Church member bodies. lf a church's affiliation isn't on this list, it's not part of the mutually recognizing, world-wide, communion of the historic Orthodox Christian Church.
Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America - Its purpose is to preserve and contribute to the unity of the Orthodox Church by helping to further her spiritual, theological, ecclesiological, canonical, educational, missionary and philanthropic aims.
Orthodox Charity Sites
FOCUS North America - A Better Business Bureau’s (BBB) Wise Giving Alliance National Charity helping homeless and working poor families and moving people from dependency to self-sufficiency.
IOCC - International Orthodox Christian Charities offers emergency relief and development programs to those in need worldwide, without discrimination. (92% of resources go towards emergency relief and development programs. Every dollar you give helps IOCC secure $7 in support from governments, foundations and other sources.)
OCMC - Orthodox Christian Mission Center supports short and long term missionaries on their trips and supports mission priests in poor regions of the world.
Other informative Sites
Our Facebook page
Ancient Faith Radio (internet broadcast) - listen to music, discussions, lectures, etc. Over 25,000 podcast episodes and specials!
Orthodox Christian Network - pocasts, videos, blogs, a bing resource for interesting information on Orthodoxy.
Liturgica.com - good resource on worship in the Temple, ancient Synagogues, and from early Christian to Protestant worship, with samples of worship music. Books and music available.
Theoria.tv - Orthodox video content intended "to inspire new, renewed, and continued inquiries into the depth of the Eastern Orthodox Church and Her ancient Tradition."
Fr. Alexander Schmemann - writings, sermons, video interview, and photos of this noted theologian.
Life of St. Nicholas
OrthodoxWiki - an online Orthodox Christian encyclopedia.
Orthodox Christians for Life
OrthodoxyToday - commentaries on contemporary issues (caveat lector: often political).
Frederica Mathews-Green - Noted Orthodox thinker, insightful and witty author and speaker.
More sites can be reached through the "clearing-house" link below.
Orthodoxy on the Web
Caveat lector: As with the Internet in general, expect a great variety in the quality and legitimacy (canonical or ecclesiastical) of Internet sites found through any sources other than canonical Church's official sites. Though some sites may be perfectly helpful, other sites on the Internet may reflect a strong bias or agenda that is presented as valid and necessary to Orthodoxy while it may be something entirely else.

In order for our faith to be genuine, we must express it in everyday life. We must act according to our faith and prove it by the goodness and power of God acting in our lives. This does not mean that we “tempt God” or “put God to the test” by doing foolish and unnecessary things just for the sake of seeing if God will participate in our foolishness. But it does mean that if we live by faith in our pursuit of righteousness, we can demonstrate the fact that God will be with us, helping and guiding us in every way.
For faith to grow and become stronger, it must be used. Each person should live according to the measure of faith which he has, however small, weak and imperfect it might be. By acting according to one’s faith, trust in God and the certitude of God’s presence is given, and with the help of God many things which were never before imagined become possible.
— Fr Thomas Hopko